A December to Remember - Chapter 21

December is always a crazy month for me.  On top of all the regular Holiday Madness, it’s Mia’s Birthday.  And then to add to my Christmas of 2006, I was struggling with my finals. I had fallen a bit behind because this beauty business had taken off so quickly.  I was determined to finish these classes.  I had only attended two classes, instead of my normal four, this semester – so I needed to make it through.  On top of that – I only chose two classes for next Semester.  It was beginning to get a bit overwhelming, but I know me. If I stop for just a semester – I would never go back.

So by the time we got to Christmas Eve, I was ready for a break!  I was at Mia’s Great Grandmother’s House (her Father’s Grandmother).  I was helping her make tamales and we were having a good visit.  She realized she was out of something and asked me to go to the grocery store down the street.  You know how you look when you are elbow deep cooking.  Your wearing sweats… hair in a knot... no makeup…flour on your shirt… face looking all greasy…

Oh well… This is not my neighborhood.  I won’t see anybody I know – so let me just run over there really quick.

I ran in and grabbed what I needed.  As I started walking towards the checkout line I heard a familiar voice.  “Hannah Murray!”  It was a dear friend from High School, Shara.  She was all smiles, and I was happy to see her.  I didn’t care that I looked a mess.  She was one of those super loving people that even though I had not seen her for probably 10 years – I was happy to see her face!

We talked for about two minutes.  Then all of a sudden I heard a voice come around the corner of the aisle.  “I found it Sister.”  He looked up and I just looked at him in shock.  IT WAS DEREK!!!!  NO!!!!!!

KILL ME NOW!!!! I looked like SHIT!!!

He looked at me and said “Hey!”  in the sweetest way.  I was mortified.

Now…. Shara, at this point, LOVES to tell the story of these next few minutes.  I have her on video even telling this story.  And here it goes.

So there I was… talking to MY GIRL from High school.  We were having a lovely conversation… but then my BROTHER comes over and all of a sudden I disappeared!  It wasn’t even like I was standing there anymore!  All of a sudden I look at my brother staring at my friend and there she is staring at him and all you see is hearts and butterflies floating around!”

Thank you, Shara.

I had no idea that Shara was Derek’s sister.  I don’t even think we said anything really to each other for the two minutes we were standing there.  So we all just went on our way.

I went and checked out and started walking to my car.  But I felt like I was given a second chance and throwing it away.  What if I never saw him again!  So I called him on his cell phone, still standing in the parking lot of the grocery store.

He answered right away.  I told him it was good seeing him. And I asked if we could talk.  He said we could later that night.  I explained that we did not start Christmas Eve presents until 11pm, so I asked if I could call him at 1am?  Yes.  Ok good.

I FLOATED back to Abuela’s house.  I was so excited!That night I could not WAIT to get to 1am.  The night seemed to take FOREVER.  It took so long even, that I FELL ASLEEP!  I woke up from the couch in a panic.  It was 2 o’clock in the morning!!!  NO!!!!!!!

He was going to think I flaked out on him AGAIN!  Oh god!I didn’t care what time it was.  I was going to wake him up – I just did not want him to think I did this again!

I dialed his number and he picked up on the first ring.


Oh my god I am so sorry!  I fell asleep on the couch while the kids were opening presents!

Don’t worry about it.And there it was. We talked for four hours that night.  Six hours the next.

The next day we went on a date.  We talked for five hours at the restaurant and then went and hung out for another two hours at another restaurant.

He was leaving on Tour (with one of his Hip Hop Groups) the next day.  We decided we would talk while he was away and go from there.

We talked every day and while he was gone we both decided that we were going to give this another try.  For reals.

It was the right time.  I was in a much better place.  I was happy on my own, I was standing on my own, and I was ready for a real adult relationship.  I was in a place where I could APPRECIATE this wonderful man.  He had always believed in me and thought I could do anything.  But because I was not a COMPLETE person.  Because I was not HAPPY and FULFILLED on my own, I was not able to receive it and appreciate it.  I was ready now….

Meanwhile, the beauty business was still growing… and growing… and growing…

We decided to attend our first trade show in Los Angeles.  It does not exist now, but back then there was a Spa show at the Los Angeles Convention Center.  I packed up my employees and set up a little 10x10 booth.

We had NO IDEA what was about to hit us.  We had a LINE of about 30 people at all times. It was CRAZY!

I called my parents, my sister, and some other friends at home and asked them to come help us the next day.  We were only about an hour and a half away from home – so they did.

The next day was worse (or better) than the day before!  The show management was getting so many complaints from the vendors around us that they created a booth over to the side that would give us more room.  In the middle of the show we moved the entire line over to this new location. Literally picking up our tables and walking them down the aisle!

The whole thing was a circus – but an amazing circus!

The Doctor, who had told me several times that he did not want us to go to the New York show, came over to me and said.  “You know Hannah, if you were REALLY good – you would find a way to get us to the New York show next weekend.”


But how could we lose this opportunity?  What if this was short lived and we needed to take advantage of this while we could?

I knew that someone from this OTHER show in New York was walking the show floor at this one.  I found him and asked him if there was anyway.  He told me that someone’s booth had been broken during shipment to this show – so they had cancelled the New York show.  He offered me the booth at a very large discount and I took it.

That night I booked us all flights, hotel, and the 30 + pages of paperwork I had to do to get us in THAT show four days later!

By the time we got there we were all a mess.  The Los Angeles trade show was three days long.  We spent the entire week that week closing the show and preparing for the next.  It was March in New York so it was freezing cold and us California girls were not prepared for it.  So all week we were getting coats, boots, etc.

During the set up of the show we got a full dose of New York Union workers.  There are a million rules when it comes to trade shows, but the New York Unions workers are a whole different breed!  I don’t think I was yelled at more in my life!

It was the time change, we were three hours ahead – so really four hours.  It was freezing, we were exhausted, and we were all sick as dogs!  We were a mess.

The sweetest three ladies were setting up a simple booth, selling books across from us.  They took us under their wing and told us how to do things the right way.  We were such babies in this that we had no idea what we were doing.

These three ladies, a Mother and her two adult daughters, were our life savers.  I needed them so much at that moment – it was so overwhelming.  Suddenly an older Gentleman walked up and the Mother introduced her husband, as Dr. Pugliese.  If you are from the Spa Industry you know him as an extremely respected Doctor and Speaker in the Industry.  I had no idea, of course, who I was meeting.  But his Grandfather like face, and soft voice is exactly what I needed.

His Grandson, Michael, was there as well, and the four of them looked at him and said.  Michael – help these poor girls!

Michael, is now a very respected speaker in the Spa Industry, and I love to tease him of this moment. When he was just a young guy getting yelled at to help us.

I think of the interaction with this family quite often, and always when I am at a trade show.  I love to pass this kindness on when I see others at trade shows or events for the first time.  I have, at this point, attended hundreds of trade shows – maybe even a THOUSAND!  But I clearly remember the overwhelming feeling of the first and second one.  My way of paying back the Pugliese Family for their kindness is to help the next.

We made it through the trade show – but not without further incidence. By the third day things were very calm, and actually slow.  We were all feeling much better and very proud of what we had accomplished.  I thought that it would be smart to network a little with the booths around ours.  I laughed and joked with the other vendors, and generally enjoyed learning about this new SPA WORLD that I was entering.

Suddenly a woman walked up to me.  She was all buttoned up in a white Spa Uniform, hair tight, hands folded in front of her.Excuse me.

Oh Hi!  I’m Hannah

Yes. Well, I want you to know that you are being very disruptive. 


I have watched you all day fluttering about the booths, laughing and making jokes.  This is a serious industry and you are laughing too loud.  I would appreciate it if you would take this event more seriously and stay within your booth.

She turned and walked away.

The people in the booths around me just looked at her walk away and then turned and looked at me.  I could tell that they knew that was probably going to happen.  I suddenly realized and took notice of my surroundings.  Most of the women there were very buttoned up.  There were quite a few men running booths all buttoned up in suits.  And the Harp Music.  The Harp Music and Enya type music was playing non-stop.  I suddenly knew exactly where I was.

But still… I couldn’t believe that had just happened.

So I laughed. Because I was shocked.  And because it was hilarious.  I laughed.

Oh Lady…. You have no idea how DISRUPTIVE I am about to be….  


The Magic Behind the Curtain - Chapter 22


My Intro into the Beauty Business - Chapter 20